Other Culture-Bearing Activities
With a rich history and the generous donations we have received, the Åbo Akademi University Foundation bears a responsibility to support and promote cultural activities in Finland, particularly in Swedish. It is essential for us not only to preserve cultural heritage but also to make it visible and accessible to all.
Our cultural initiatives are centered around our museums—the Sibelius Museum, the museum Ett Hem, and the artist home Casa Haartman–along with our collections, parts of which are also available through the national search service Finna.
Our Additional Culture-Bearing Activities
Historic properties
The Åbo Akademi University Foundation owns and manages numerous properties of significant cultural and historical value. Many of these buildings have been, and continue to be, highly important to both the foundation and Åbo Akademi University, as they provide essential facilities that support the activities of both organisations. Learn more about the foundation’s educational properties here and museum properties here.
ÅU Media Ab
ÅU Media Ab is a media company focused on regional and local news. It publishes the newspapers Åbo Underrättelser and Pargas Kungörelser – Paraisten Kuulutukset. Founded in 1824, Åbo Underrättelser is the oldest newspaper in Finland. The group also includes a subsidiary communications agency, Å Communications. The Åbo Akademi University Foundation is the majority shareholder of ÅU Media.
Åbo Svenska Teater
Thanks to generous donations, the Åbo Akademi University Foundation owns the spaces of Finland’s oldest theatre building, home to Åbo Svenska Teater (ÅST). The foundation provides the theatre building to Åbo Svenska Teater in accordance with the wishes of the donors. A major renovation of the theatre building is planned for 2027 to 2029. At ÅST, the passage of time is vividly felt—the theatre lives in the present, while its 185-year-old walls echo with history.
The Museum Ship Sigyn
Finland’s first museum ship, the three-masted barque Sigyn, built in 1887, is owned by the Foundation for the Museum Ship Sigyn, established by the City of Turku and Åbo Akademi University Foundation. Between 1939 and 1994, Sigyn was owned by the Åbo Akademi University Foundation via the Maritime Museum (later the Institute of Maritime History) at Åbo Akademi University. The foundation continues to support Sigyn through restoration and operational grants.
Fastighetsbolaget Svenska Gården in Åbo
The Åbo Akademi University Foundation is a co-owner of the real estate company Fastighetsbolaget Svenska Gården in Turku, which owns and manages spaces in three buildings on Auragatan in Turku: the Bassi House (1829), Gillesgården (1898), and Verdandi House (1898).
Life on a Leaf
The association Life on a Leaf aims to foster collaboration between art, architecture, academic research, and economics, with the goal of creating an imaginative and creative urban environment. Central to its activities is the Life on a Leaf House (Bladhuset) on hte island Hirvensalo in Turku. The Åbo Akademi University Foundation holds a 10% stake in Life on a Leaf Oy Ab and has a board seat in both the association and the company.

Funds with Cultur-Bearing Purposes
The Åbo Akademi University Foundation manages over 400 funds. While most support research and education at Åbo Akademi University, some are specifically dedicated to supporting culture and cultural initiatives. A selection of these funds includes:
- Hedvigs Minne Fund
- Henry Lönnfors Fund
- Martha and Albin Löfgrens Cultural Fund